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+ Intaface

  • Do it all with one form

    Forms that break the norm

    Get more data (reviews, new registrations, or anything else) with forms designed to be surprisingly different. Eye-catching forms that are easy to respond to and personalize everything (from videos to logos). Forget about long block questionnaires and start asking questions one at a time.
    Get more and better data. Embed the forms in more places, from web pages to emails. Ask the right question at the right time to get even more useful information.
    • Form Builder: Create forms specifically designed to get more and better data. Help users subscribe, register or contact you, find out what users think about a purchase or experience, or sell your products and services online.
    • Survey Builder: Get valuable feedback from customers, employees, and everyone in between. 87% of users gained relevant insights after switching to Typeform!
    • Quiz Maker: Create a quiz to interest your students, generate leads, or promote your brand reputation.

    Integration with the most
    recognized platforms:

    Why Typeform + Intaface?

    Local Support

    Use a globally recognized platform with local support. In your language and on your time zone. We help you solve your doubts by email, calls or WhatsApp.


    Take advantage of one of the dozens of integrations already developed. And if you need a custom one, our team of engineers will help you make it.

    Training in your Language

    The team that trains you is the same that will give you support later.


    Take advantage of the Intaface team's expertise in multichannel conversations. We can help you design, execute, measure and improve your campaigns and most importantly: increase conversion.

    What does

    • Templates for any field
    • Groundbreaking designs
    • Brand kits
    • Integrations with all types of marketing tools
    • Design with AI
    • Leads
    • Ratings
    • Market studies
    • Easy to share